




歡迎來到勵德堂 (CCEMC)


勵德堂是神的家,是屬靈的家,是充滿喜樂和活力的教會。 我們是一個大家庭,您是神家中的一份子,主內的肢體。 勵德家眾弟兄姊妹在各肢體中,發揮不同恩賜,一同建立神的家,有如使徒保羅所說:「我們這許多人,在基督裡成為一身,互相聯絡作肢體,也是如此」(羅12 :5)。



衷心歡迎您參加勵德堂的敬拜、事工、團契、查經班等等。 一同敬拜讚美上帝,生活和生命更經歷三位一體真神上帝。 願上帝透過基督賜您有出人意外的平安。

勵德家歡迎您! 願平安、仁愛、信心從父上帝、主耶穌基督歸給您! 並且願所有誠心愛我們主耶穌基督的人都蒙恩惠!




Methodists’ Catechism

Methodists’ message

All need to be saved.

All may be saved.

All may know themselves saved.

All may be saved to the uttermost.


Belief in God
We believe that God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, truly exists as one God.  To believe in him, however, implies more than assent of the mind.  Fully to believe in him is to trust alone for everything we need in this life and for ever.  (Deuteronomy 6:4; John 17:20-23)


Faith in Jesus Christ is trusting that through him alone God gives us his salvation.  We demonstrate our faith by desiring to do God’s will and by the practical love we show to others. (Ephesians 2:4-10)


Christians are those who believe that God has revealed himself in Jesus Christ, accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, live in communion with God and in the power of the Holy Spirit, and take their place in the fellowship of Christ’s Church. (Acts 11:26; John 1:1-5, 14-18)


To proclaim the coming of God’s Kingdom, to call people to repent and to receive the Kingdom of god, to turn from their sins and believe the Good News. ((Mark 1:14-15)


The Church is holy, because it belongs to God, who has set it apart to do his work, and because he is present in it.  It is catholic, that is, universal, because through it God offers the complete good news about Jesus to every person everywhere, without distinction.  It is apostolic, because it proclaims the same message about Jesus that the apostles did.  There is an unbreakable bond, the communion of saints, between all God’s people, in heaven and on earth, who rejoice together in all God’s blessings.

The church baptizes as a sign of God’s free offer of forgiveness.  (1 Peter 2:9; Matthew 28:19-20)

The Methodist church is part of the universal Church.  Its doctrines are based on the revelation of God in the Bible.  It has received and preaches the Gospel the apostles preached.  It accepts the principles of the Protestant Reformation.


Baptism looks forward to a life to be lived.  It proclaims the grace the Father has shown in Christ to us in our helplessness, the forgiveness and cleansing of sin, the end of the old life of sin in the death of Christ, and rebirth through the Holy Spirit to new life in Christ.  Baptism places us within the people of God and claims for us God’s promised salvation and a share in the priestly calling of his children.  From our side baptism requires a response of repentance and faith in Christ as Lord and Saviour.   Baptism is performed by immersing or dipping the candidate in water, or by sprinkling the candidate with water, in the name of the Father ad of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Baptism may be administered to an infant, in anticipation of a response to be made later, or to a young person or an adult in recognition of a response already made to the grace of God. (John 3:5-8; Matthew 28:19-20)

Note:  In tradition like our own which practise infant baptism, the opportunity of public response is offered in the rite of Confirmation.


Duties of Membership
In the Church: A member is committed to Worship, Holy Communion, Fellowship and Service, Prayer and Bible Study, and Responsive Giving.
In the world: A member is committed to the working out of his/her faith in daily life, the offering of personal service in the community, the Christian use of his/her resources, and the support of the Church in its total world mission.


The sacraments disclose and proclaim what God has done for the world in Jesus Christ, and convey its benefits to the community of believers.  They are also signs of our allegiance to God.  Protestant churches recognize two sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. (Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25)


What is sin?
Sin is a condition of estrangement from God which affects the whole human race.  Sins are specific actions, words or thoughts which arise from our sinful condition and deny the presence, power and purpose of God. (Romans 3:9-18, 23; 7:13-20)


Repentance is turning in sorrow away from sin and turning to God to seek forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. (Luke 3:1-14; 15:17-20; Amos 5:10-15)


What do we mean by belief in God?
We believe that God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, truly exists as one God.  To believe in Him, however, implies more than assent of the mind.  Fully to believe in Him is to trust Him alone for everything we need in this life and for ever. (Deuternomy 6:4)


Jesus Christ came to reveal God to men and women and to offer them God’s grace.  To achieve this he shared their human life and death, dying on the cross.  God brought him back from death and sin, and opening the Kingdom of God to all believers. (John 3:16)


Holy Spirit
From eternity he is God.  He has been present and active in the world from the beginning – in creation, in the inspiring of the prophets, in the equipping of God’s servants. (Genesis1:1-2; Acts 2:1-21)


Salvation is the forgiveness of our sin, deliverance from guilt, and the gift of new life in Christ.  It is a process that begins now, give us victory over death and is completed with God in heaven.  (Mark 2:1-4; 10:28-31, 45; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21)


Jesus Christ suffered death and was raised again for us, so that we might live for him.  the Bible uses various expressions for this, of which the following are a few examples:

  • He gave his life to redeem all people; (Mark 10:45; Isaiah 53)
  • He is compared with the Passover Lamb,  sacrificed as a sign of God’s freeing of his people (1 Corinthians 6:7; Exodus 12)
  • He is also compared with the lamb sacrifice on  the Day of Atonement; (1 John 2:2; Revelation 5)
  • being joined to Christ is described as a new  creation; (2 Corinthians 5:14-18)
  • by his death and resurrection Christ has defeated the powers of evil. (Colossians 2:11-15)

None of these is complete by itself; together they point to the fact that through the cross God acted decisively on behalf of the world he had created.


We show our love to God when we worship and serve him with joy, faith and obedience (I John 4:7-21)
Jesus said: ‘And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another’. (Deuteronomy 6:5)


Sharing the Good News
That God has acted decisively in Jesus Christ to deal with our sinful condition: that is, he has acted to save us.  God offers us his love, forgiveness, acceptance and new life in Christ. (John 3:16; Acts 10:36-43)




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